Monday, February 5, 2007


What are the attractions of an affair?

It feels good to be desired again. To be lusted after. To know someone stopped what he was doing in the middle of the day and thought back about what we did last week, with a small smile on his lips and a stirring in his groin. It's not that passion has gone from my marriage, but after nearly 20 years it is only natural that we take each other a little too much for granted.

As he runs his hands down my back and murmurs "Your skin is so soft". When we meet in the street and he tells me I look beautiful. The phone call to tell me I was the sexiest person at function last night. The things he says while I move over him, bringing him to the peak of excitement. All those things you say to each other at the start of a relationship - which we still say to each other after an eight month affair, because we see so little of each other.

Let's face it - the sex is new and it's great. We know each other well, so we're not awkward, but the physical relationship is fresh; we're still discovering so much about each other. And we can try a few things we haven't done before.
We can't turn to each other every night (nor turn away from each other), so the time we are together is spent making the most of every moment. We can't see each other often, so the anticipation builds between trysts. And supplies great material for my masturbation fantasies.
We even have phone sex - something I didn't believe would really work. It's not as good as the real thing, but it gets me through until I see him again.

Doing something illicit is definitely part of the attraction. It's not the risk of getting caught that excites me - that's the last thing I want to happen. It's the thought we're doing something that no-one know about, except the two of us.
We have our own little world.

I don't know if it's some special physical connection between us, or if all the things I've talked about above add up to a heightened physical experience, but the sex really is fabulous.
No man before has made me come just by entering me.
I don't remember feeling this intense sexual hunger before. I've always enjoyed sex, but now I'm hit with waves of desire just thinking about him. Waves of desire which stop me in my tracks.
I constantly want to please him during sex, and yet I feel the selfish need to come again and again.
Just writing this, I'm turned on thinking about him.
If the sex wasn't good, I wouldn't be having an affair. We would just stay friends, not risk so much to be lovers.

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